Tuesday, October 19, 2010

October 18, 2010

Today was a killer day for me and Danyelle.  We were extremely busy today.  WOD was a good one, courtesy of Crossfit Verve.

-walking lunges

I swung the 1.5 pood (53lbs) and Danyelle swung 26lbs. She killed this workout!!! Nobody could keep up with her!!! 11:07 wow! I could only muster a 12:30.

Today we also tried something a little different for warm up.  We paired up the crew and each person had to do interval punching. They alternated 1 min. on, 1 min. off for 2 rounds then did their normal dowel warm up.

First up was Terry vs. Nadyne...Nice fight faces!!!

Ajax is wondering what happened to his grandma!

Next was Josh vs. Nao

Then Danyelle vs. Jamie.

Lastly, Hannah vs. Punching Bag.  I'm pretty sure Hannah won.

Once everyone was done with their WOD, then did a little bit of double under practice.  While we were doing that, Terry decided to get fancy and do some cross over jumping.  Nobody else could muster this one up.

I rested a little afterwards then did a few box jumps at 41", then a few rock lifts with my 179lb lava rock.

My 179lb not so friendly lava rock. I can shoulder it but I cant press it yet.

 Then I proceeded on to my second WOD that day. I did 10 rounds of Chelsea. Here is what she looks like.

-5 pullups
-10 pushups
-15 squats
On a running clock start your round and complete the exercise within a minute, rest for remaining time. When the next minute starts complete circuit again.
10 rounds for time

The aftermath!!!

I know 10 rounds is so little but I've been off for so many days in a row that I need to "walk" my body back into full throttle.

Danyelle and I lounged for a little till it was time for Jamie to do her WOD. We did not want her to be lonely so we did the WOD again at a little lighter weight than what we used earlier, 18lbs for Danyelle and 35lbs for me.

Looking sexy!!!

Danyelle did a 9:04 andI got a 7:48. Danyelle's first double and she did awesome!!! Jamie came in at exactly 9:04 also. Jamie is really advancing quickly for the time she has been doing this. She will be crushing everything soon.

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