June 30, 2011
A day in the life of a member at CrossFit Cliche......
I got up this morning and ate my PALEO breakfast of eggs, avocado, spinach and 12 FISH OIL caps. It was delicious and just the fuel I needed to attack my WOD later in the day like the FIREBREATHER that I am. Good sound nutrition advice from ROBB WOLF.
But before WODDING at my BOX, CrossFit Cliche, I went on a shopping trip and bought some new VIBRAM FIVE FINGERS!!!
Now I can do the POSE METHOD of running more efficiently. If I am on a CAVEMAN DIET, I might as well RUN LIKE A CAVEMAN too. I am just bummed I won't get to wear my KNEE HIGH SOCKS when I wear my FIVE FINGERS. I guess there will be days when I still wear my INOV8's.
So I hit up the gym and ROLLED OUT ON THE FOAM ROLLER as part of my warm-up routine that I do everyday before I WOD. I also did a bunch of warm-up drills that got my sweat on. After all, MY WARM-UP IS YOUR WORKOUT. Since CrossFit Cliche isSTRENGTH BIASED, I also did a 5x3 HEAVY DEADLIFT at 275#! My workout was awesome. It was a CHIPPER with 400m runs,KIPPING pull-ups, KIPPING handstand push-ups, GROUND TO OVERHEAD CLEAN AND JERKS, and LATERAL JUMP BURPEES, all to CROSSFIT GAMES STANDARDS of course! I RIPPED MY SHIRT OFF and went BEAST MODE on the WOD like the trueWARRIOR that I am.
Obviously, my workout hit most of the TEN GENERAL SKILLS OF FITNESS. The workout left me exausted and FLOPPING AROUND ON THE FLOOR in pool of my own sweat. I was sure to make some SWEAT ANGELS and checked that my friend got plenty of PICTURES OF ME WODDING and looking wrecked afterward. I obviously INCREASED MY WORK CAPACITY ACROSS BROAD TIME AND MODAL DOMAINS.
After I WROTE MY TIME ON THE WHITEBOARD and let everyone know that I did it AS PRESCRIBED by writingRX’D next to my time, I drank my PROGENEX POST-WORKOUT SHAKE with some POST WORKOUT CARB LOADING of MASHED SWEET POTATOES.
Later that night, I put on my SKINS RECOVERY TIGHTS and drank a PROGENEX RECOVERY SHAKE and 12 more FISH OILcaps. Tomorrow, I will be ready to kill the WOD again. I'm really looking forward to my REST DAY when I will also have a CHEAT DAY on my PALEO DIET, which will eventually lead to me POSTING ON FACEBOOK ABOUT HOW GUILTY I AM ABOUT MY CHEAT DAY. Which in turn will lead to mePOSTING ON FACEBOOK ABOUT MY KILLER POST CHEAT DAY WOD. All my fellow CrossFit Cliche friends will then comment about how fucking badass I am.
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