Tuesday, April 12, 2011

April 10, 2011

A good depiction of how todays WOD was...LOL!
Today was another WOD taken from CFNE.  Both Jack and I really like their WOD's.  They are hard enough for people to push through and easy enough for us to scale down for whoever needs it.

in 10 minutes
   2000m Row
   AMRAP of Double Unders
Score is 2000m row + DU's.  If you did not get at least 1 DU...your score was considered a no time.  We allowed the crew to finish out their row's and they had 1 minute to try to get double unders if the row was not done in time.

Jack- 2050
Matt- 2020
Jmanator- 2016
Pua- 2011
Doug- 2004
Kung Fu- no time
Michele- no time
Nadyne- no time

1.2 mi. airdyne
50 Single Jumps

Sheila- 5:58

10 Situps
5 Pushups
10 Box Jumps (12")
2 rounds for time

Kawai- 3:14

"Fight Gone Bad"
Wall Balls (20/14)
SDHP (75/45)
Box Jumps (20")
Push Press (75/45)

Jack- 92, 71, 75 =238 Rx'd
Peanut- 59, 52, 56 =167 Rx'd


1 comment:

  1. sometimes after a good wod you have to talk to raplh.
