Wednesday, August 31, 2011

"Open 6 on crack night edition"

Up, up, and away!!!!

Day 3 of the CrossFit Games

Hugin or Munin?

Competitors being briefed on the last day
Dave Castro making the announcements to the competitors
Annie Sakamoto & Annie Thorisdottir right behind her
Blair Morrison, Chris Spealler, & Matt Chan
The whiteboard & announcement of the final team WOD
Travis Bagent

Becky Conzelman

Ben Hollingshaus interviewing Katie Hogan's mom
Annie Sakamoto moving the sled
Austin Malleolo
Chris Spealler moving that bear of a sled
Pat Barber at the end of the WOD
Everyone is wrecked after that WOD! Have you ever seen Spealler on his knees?
Matt Chan...anyone notice he's in alot of pictures?
Jeremy Kinnick
Master's final
Gord McKinnon in the light gray shirt
Dave Castro

Cheryl Nasso
Rob Orlando

Mark Divine

Mel Ockerby the "Ockerbeast"

We caught one of those!

Katie Hogan

Jess from Kalipa's Gym. We introduced her to Crossfit at our cozy little gym. Check out her blog

"Moo Shoe"
5 burpees
With remaining time perform clean & jerks (75lbs/45lbs)
Workout is done when 50 clean & jerks are completed

Monday, August 29, 2011

August 29, 2011

Today Jen came by for a WOD before she leaves on a business trip. She wanted something hard so this is what she got:
"Char Siu"
5 burpees
Then with the remaining time you will do power snatches (47lbs)
Workout is complete when you finish 75 snatches

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