the lightning from the gym |
How's the thunder and lightning everyone? Our house was loud and bright for a while...then the rain was crazy!!! As far as the WOD goes...Matt's Back!!!! Matt has been sooooo busy with work lately he hasn't been able to make it to the gym during class times, but today he was able to swing by in the daytime. So, he did the WOD that the rest of the crew did this past Saturday. In fact, since Jack and I missed it while we were at the Kettlebell Cert., we did this WOD today too. It was....
5 thrusters (135lbs)
10 Pullups
5 rounds for time
Danyelle- 6:14 (50lbs, band pullups)
Matt- 6:46 (95lbs, band pullups 10-10-7-7-5)
Jack- 7:33 Rx'd
The rest of the crew did a different WOD and Nunn was back for his 3rd day. It was..
10 asst. Pullups
250m Row
5 rounds for time
Jmanator- 12:26 (Blue band- 10-10-7, green band 10-10)
Nadyne- 15:20 (machine)
Terry- 15:45 (red and blue bands)
FloJo- 18:11 (green band)
Nunn- 7:35 (subbed 3 rounds, 5 pullups green band)
The crew also got a mini Kettlebell class on the Russian Swing and the Floor Press today. Jack has decided to slowly introduce what we learned over the weekend to the crew. Believe me, there's a lot to learn!!
And for me...I PR'd my deadlift tonight. After coming home from our level 1 cert., we did a max deadlift WOD in November and I maxed out at 103 lbs. Tonight I PR'd at 155 lbs. That's a 52lb difference in just about 3 months so i'm pretty happy with that!
155lbs! |