Monday, February 28, 2011

February 19, 2011

5 Thrusters
10 Pull ups
5 rounds for time


February 27, 2011

I wanted todays WOD to be in a short time domain, high in intensity, include a pushing movement, and to put the athletes below parallel. So here is what we chose:
-Overhead Squat (95lbs)
-Push up

Jack- 5:49 Rx'd
Kevin- 4:03 (33lbs)
Jmanator- 4:26 (32lbs)
FloJo- 4:54 (20lbs)
Jen- 5:03 (15lbs)
Sean- 5:07 (34lbs)
Carrie- 5:15 (33lbs)
DB- 6:04 (45lbs)
Danyelle- 7:48 (40lbs)
Terry- 3:45 (20lb DB's)
Nunn- 2:44 (39lbs, 15-9-7 reps)

We had 9 people in class today, another pretty big class for us!!! It was an awesome atmosphere!!!

Going over the overhead squat

Can you believe its his first time overhead squatting!!!
Here we go!!!
Kevins back, and looking awesome!!!

Here is a video of Danyelle and I hitting the WOD


Chris Spealler

If you don't know who he is, please educate yourself!!!!

I never get tired of this one!!!

February 24, 2011

Todays workout was the most horrible workout I have been through, LOL!!! For me it was absolutely grueling!!! Wall Climbs beat me down and took it out of me. This is a good thing because I know what else I need to work on. Everything on me felt fatigued. Sometimes it is so awesome to find a movement that works your body in ways its never been taxed. Another killer brought to you by Crossfit!!! Over 40 minutes!!! Here is a sample of our first round.

 Check out how the Elites get down

10 Wall Climbs
10 Toes to Bar
20 Box Jumps (24"/20")
   5 rounds for time

Danyelle- (modified) 21:19

Here is the Crews WOD for today

10 Heavy KBS
5 Hand Release Pushups
   7 rounds for time

Matt- 6:56 (44lbs)
FloJo- 8:52 (26lbs)

Awesome job guys!!!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Thanks again Crossfit Ewa Beach

Thank you Crossfit Ewa Beach for hosting the Kettlebell certification and taking good care of us all weekend!


Feburary 21, 2011

       "The harder I work, the luckier I get".
               Samuel Goldwyn

Danyelle got her first ring dip today. I am so proud of her. Everyone knows stability on the rings can be the hardest part, now that she is moving on them her depth with come next. Remember everything gets done one step at a time. Nobody is good at something there first time. So if there is a movement you can't do, or you are just having a hard time with it don't be discouraged. Practice and it will come.


Elevation Mask

So I got a new toy to play with. It is an elevation mask used to simulate altitude. The reason altitude is so harsh is because of the lack of oxygen in the air. The theory behind the mask is that by having the mask on, you train in an oxygen deprived state, like being at altitude. There are three settings on the mask, 6000, 9000, and 18000 feet above sea level. I used the mask in its 6000 foot setting and I will tell you this, I did my Level 1 certification at Park City which was at 6800 feet above sea level and training with the mask felt just like park city!!! Like with anything else that is new, I am slowly introducing it into my training and we shall see how it goes!!!

 I did two rounds of a 1000 meters each, first round was 4:45, second round was 4:47. After the first round I tried to leave the mask on to recover but I had to rip it off, LOL!!! Second round I left it on till my breathing became normal again.

Friday, February 25, 2011

One week away...

In just one week...Jack is going to be participating in the Polar Plunge.  It's an event put together to help raise money for the Hawaii Special Olympics.  So if anyone would still like to make a donation so that Jack can jump in that freezing water...please do so!!!  You can make the donation at  Or if you would like to come down to watch the festivities...all the info can be found by clicking on the link as well.  Thanks again!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Thunder, Lightning, and Barbells...Feb. 23, 2011

the lightning from the gym 
How's the thunder and lightning everyone?  Our house was loud and bright for a while...then the rain was crazy!!!  As far as the WOD goes...Matt's Back!!!!  Matt has been sooooo busy with work lately he hasn't been able to make it to the gym during class times, but today he was able to swing by in the daytime. So, he did the WOD that the rest of the crew did this past Saturday.  In fact, since Jack and I missed it while we were at the Kettlebell Cert., we did this WOD today too.  It was....

5 thrusters (135lbs)
10 Pullups
   5 rounds for time

Danyelle- 6:14 (50lbs, band pullups)
Matt- 6:46 (95lbs, band pullups 10-10-7-7-5)
Jack- 7:33 Rx'd

The rest of the crew did a different WOD and Nunn was back for his 3rd day.  It was..

10 asst. Pullups
250m Row
   5 rounds for time

Jmanator- 12:26 (Blue band- 10-10-7, green band 10-10)
Nadyne- 15:20 (machine)
Terry- 15:45 (red and blue bands)
FloJo- 18:11 (green band)
Nunn- 7:35 (subbed 3 rounds, 5 pullups green band)

The crew also got a mini Kettlebell class on the Russian Swing and the Floor Press today.  Jack has decided to slowly introduce what we learned over the weekend to the crew.  Believe me, there's a lot to learn!!

And for me...I PR'd my deadlift tonight.  After coming home from our level 1 cert., we did a max deadlift WOD in November and I maxed out at 103 lbs.  Tonight I PR'd at 155 lbs.  That's a 52lb difference in just about 3 months so i'm pretty happy with that!
