Monday, May 30, 2011

Nadyne's Special Stunts!!!

May 18, 2011

-450m run with weight (45/25)
-5 minutes rest
-squat cleans (95/65)
-5 minutes rest
-HR push ups
-5 minutes rest
-row for meters

Jack-2:48, 29 reps, 68 reps, 1065m Rx'd
Peanut-2:55, 20 reps, 42 reps, 815m Rx'd
Sean-2:22, 22 reps (85lbs), 57 reps, 1129m
Matty- 5:20, 17 reps, 51 reps, 1028m  Rx'd
Terry- 3:04 (300m), 17 reps (95 lbs), 62 reps, 1012m
Nadyne-5:32 (10lbs), 25 reps (43 lbs), 59 reps, 794m
FloJo-3:20 (10 lbs), 25 (37 lbs), 48 reps, 745m
Jmanator-2:56, 21 reps (62 lbs), 71 reps, 905m

-Jack and Danyelle

May 17, 2011

-10 thrusters (115/85)
-300m row
 3 rds for time

FloJo-8:32 (27lbs)
Jmanator-7:25 (55lbs)
Fresh-7:45 (75lbs)
Jen-9:33 (37lbs)
Jack-6:38 Rx'd
Peanut-8:09 (55lbs)
Terry-7:27 (85lbs)
Showtime-8:25 (50lbs)
Kung Fu-7:06 (75lbs)
Sara-7:47 (38lbs)
Nadyne- 9:17 (45lbs)


May 16, 2011

Showtime and Fresh came by for there monday fix, here is what they got:

-5 KB snatches
-5 box jumps
-5 burpees
-3 min rest
3 rounds for time

Showtime-(15lbs) 8 rds+14
Fresh-(26lbs) 9 rds+1

-Jack and Danyelle

More Mean Streets, May 15, 2011

Another WOD courtesy of Crossfit Mean Streets. I love these guys style, they work hard as hell!!! On top of that they enter every single race, competition, and challenge they can get their hands on ranging from Crossfit competitions, the Tough Mudder race, to the LA Marathon!!! Much props guys!!! Here is how it goes:
WOD 5-14-11
Teams of two compete to be the first to accomplish the following back and forth movements:
Use the 20# ball for guys and the 14# ball for girls.
■50 – 1 Arm thrusts – (25 each partner) Throw Med Ball back and forth, catch and throw with one arm
■Row 250M each partner (500M total) 1 rower per team
■50 – Rotations – back and forth (25 each partner) (backs touching, twist to revolve ball to partner)
■Row 250M each partner (500M total) 1 rower per team
■50 – Burpee and ball throws – back and forth (25 each partner) (do pushup on ball and stand up and throw to partner’s chest, then partner goes)
■Row 250M each partner (500M total) 1 rower per team
■50 – Sit-up throws – 25 each person one at a time (situp and throw ball as you are coming up, partner catches as going back down)
■Row 250M each partner (500M total) 1 rower per team
■50 – Wall Balls – 25 each person one at a time (switch partners EVERY Rep, partner will catch ball you threw in a squat)
■Row 250M each partner (500M total) 1 rower per team
■50 – Med Ball Slams – 25 each person one at a time (switch partners EVERY Rep, partner will catch ball you threw in a squat)
■Row 250M each partner (500M total) 1 rower per team
CrossFit Mean Streets
Downtown LA

Jmanator & Peanut- 26:08 Rx'd
Matty Ball Z & Kung Fu- 26:20 Rx'd
Jack & Terry- 26:44 Rx'd
Jen & Showtime- 32:50 Rx'd
Sean & Calvin- 34:06 Rx'd
Nadyne & FloJo- 38:16 (12lbs)

-Jack and Danyelle