Whats up FGB. I have been working in some workouts while I have been out and about exploring the city. Sorry, this is a long post, hope everyone is doing well.
The gym on my floor is limited as far as Crossfit standards but rather convenient.
On Friday I did two:
WOD #1:
Every minute on the minute 20 double unders for a total of 15 minutes.
I also included a 10 burpee penalty for every round which I missed my number. I missed twice.
WOD #2:
6 DB Power Snatch @ 50lbs Every minute on the minute for 15 minutes.
Same penalty. Missed no rounds.
Saturday: rest including drinking some beer at Safeco field, Dodger vs. Mairners
Sunday: rest/regret beer consumption
Monday: 3 min max effort followed by 1 min rest
push ups 70
15 lbs kb swing (that is the only weight I have) 107
Situps 94
Squats 115
total: 386
Tuesday: I just did this work out and I dedicate it to Jack. Its called 'Burpees hate Wallwalks.' There was no blood, but I kinda wish there was, because it would have just made sense.
WOD #1:
10, 9, 8... 1 wall walks
1, 2, 3... 10 db power cleans 50 lbs
5, 5, 5... 5 burpees
each round has 16 movements for 10 rounds.
37:03. terrible.