A good depiction of how todays WOD was...LOL! |
in 10 minutes
2000m Row
AMRAP of Double Unders
Score is 2000m row + DU's. If you did not get at least 1 DU...your score was considered a no time. We allowed the crew to finish out their row's and they had 1 minute to try to get double unders if the row was not done in time.
Jack- 2050
Matt- 2020
Jmanator- 2016
Pua- 2011
Doug- 2004
Kung Fu- no time
Michele- no time
Nadyne- no time
1.2 mi. airdyne
50 Single Jumps
Sheila- 5:58
10 Situps
5 Pushups
10 Box Jumps (12")
2 rounds for time
Kawai- 3:14
"Fight Gone Bad"
Wall Balls (20/14)
SDHP (75/45)
Box Jumps (20")
Push Press (75/45)
Jack- 92, 71, 75 =238 Rx'd
Peanut- 59, 52, 56 =167 Rx'd
sometimes after a good wod you have to talk to raplh.