Tuesday, August 23, 2011

August 23, 2011

"Uneven Grace"
30 Clean & Jerks
For Time
Hands will be marked for an even grip 
Bar will be loaded unevenly by 10 lbs
For example if you are using 135lbs you would load a 35lb and a 5lb on one side and a 45lb and a 5lb on the other.  Every 5 reps you switch sides on the bar. Full explanation in class.


  1. Animal Style - 4:18 (95lbs)

    Interesting WOD. You have to be very conscious of your whole body to make sure you don't hurt yourself!!

  2. 5:41 / 47 lbs.

    First set of five, ok. Next set of 5 which we switched sides was wobbly at first. This was a WOD you had to get used to and really put your mind into "balance". I also found which side is my "weaker" side. Interesting!

  3. Jmanator ~ 4:08/58lbs

    This felt really awkward at first but I tried to pay attention to cleaning the weight and getting it overhead. Interesting workout...
